Monday, February 27, 2012

Uile Caras

Lots of games of questions as of late, very fun, but some questions are very much wrenching, but in a good way this time.

More talking, on a regular basis is wonderful, and I'm loving every moment of it.

I'm sorry I fell asleep last night >.< It was from the night before because I went to sleep at midnight(local) and had to be up at midnight(your time) in order to walk from Brewster to Yarmouth, near Hyannis, to have breakfast with my gramdnother and my dad. Blueberry pancakes, totally awesome.

Didn't get any extra sleep during the day, so when I got back last night, I was a walking zombie, so to speak, but I wanted to at least say hi, and I felt like I was more awake, until I woke upafter randomly popping out for about 10, 15 minutes. I didn't want to get off, but I would have kept passing in and out >.<

I'm just happy that you're so understanding :)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Hau Hau Eilad

Blast of color to my face, smiling. This is good.

Thank you mein Licht.

Hope the day is well for you