This is very unpleasant :(
I'm having an allergic reaction to something, and I have very little clue as to what it is I'm having the reaction to D:
I've only had a small handful of things out of the normal in the last 24 hours:
~_~ Ham
I normally dont have ham, I tend to get the Perdue Turkey Ham [however the deli clerk this time made a mistake and gave me the regular Black Forest Ham instead and still counted it as the Turley Ham]
~_~ Mountain Dew Call Of Duty: MW3 Game Fuel
Normally Mountain Dew is a negative, and I don't get it because Regular, Diet, Code Red, And Live Wire all have Orange Juice Concentrate as the third ingredient in them [which I am HIGHLY allergic to]. However the SuperNova, Voltage, White Out, And Game Fuel[the original Game Fuel (which had both Halo, and WoW editions) do not contain Orange Juice Concentrate.
Even looking over the ingredients listed on the bottle of this MW3 Game Fuel, it does not contain Orange Juice Concentrate. On most Mountain Dews, Orange Juice Concentrate is the third ingredient listed.
~_~ Snowflake Ritz Crackers
I have no idea how these could possibly be the reason for allergic reaction, honestly it doesnt make any sense that they would be.
As of this moment in time, I can't get any benedryl, and noone around seems to have any >.<
I really dont want to walk for 6 horus to go to the hospital and then have to wait another hour to two hours just to be helped and have to sit around for another couple horus after that. I also don't want to be that guy who calls for an ambulance either.
Lacking in the monetary as well means that I can't just go buy beneryl from the pharmacy, and stealing it would not go down very well, since it would be obvious that I'd done it, with the huge obvious reaction all over my face
This is misery, and it is unpleasant
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